Blog Giveaway ~ Scandinavian Mittens
Happy Blogiversary! If you'll leave a comment on this post, in one week I'll draw a name & contact the winner.
This is a special copyright 1948 knitting booklet; Scandinavian Mittens by Kajsa Lindqvist. It contains patterns for all of the designs pictured on the cover - seven patterns for adults, two for children, & two for babies. Complete with graphs and Illustrations.
Happy 2 year bloganniversary!! (Did I say that right?) What a neat booklet - have you made any of the designs?
I have. I made the adult size mittens with the star (years ago!)
Happy blogiversary! I just found your blog through your flickr, and it looks like I'll have a lot to go back and look at! You do wonderful work :)
I've just finished my first pair of stranded mittens and begun my second pair - those patterns are beautiful! Happy Blog-versary!
How can you bear to give it away?!!!!! If you can bear to then please count me in! I love knitting fact it is a disease which starts as soon as we get the first frost and doesn't end 'til spring!
Happy Bloganniversary! These mittens look like so much fun.
Vintage patterns can be so very much fun. My favorite mitten pattern is from a vintage booklet that I have lost parts of, but still have my favorite mitten pattern intact!
I seriously was looking at the Brownie mittens this AM on Ravelry, which come from this book. They were knit by "Colorful knitter". I love knitting mittens. What a nice giveaway for your blogiversary.
I'd love to be entered. I'm Marji on Ravelry.
Hello, and a happy blogiversary to you! What a wonderful mitten book!
Happy 2nd blogiversary! That is a beautiful collection of mitten patterns -- I don't know how you can bear to part with it!
Yay! If there's anything better than mittens, it's vintage mittens!
Happy Blog Anniversary. The patterns look timeless and what a nice way to celebrate by sharing!
I've been wanting to try making these types of mittens. How fun! Pick me, pick me LOL
BTW, thanks for your generosity in putting this up as a prize.
Happy Blogiversary! This looks like an amazing pattern book!
CLPP65 AT gmail DOT com
Happy Blogiversary! I love your Mid-Century Mondays, too... They really take me back.
I'm also a crazy ethnic mitten knitter. My poor family is now awash in mittens, but I can't seem to stop.
Happy Blogiversary! I love knitting mittens. What a wonderful knitting book, I'd love to take it off your hands!
Congrats on the blogiversary! What a fantastic gift for a knitter to receive.
I for one would be honored win, as I have a love for vintage patterns scandinavian patterns.
Happy blog b-day! What a great contest. I saw your thread in the Selbuvotter group on Rav. I'm Pinkviking there.
I've got the Selbuvotter book and am just getting the courage to start. I'm Norwegian-American. Want to make something from Handplagg, too.
Great book! I made my first pair of Norwegian mittens for my MIL for Christmas and she's still gushing. I like exploring other colorwork patterns!
Oh, it looks really nice that book, looks like som star variations I haven´t seen before. I would love to have a chance to win that!
Happy Blogiversary!
What an interesting booklet on mittens - how can you give it away?
Best wishes from Germany
Ravelry: trametes1971
What a cool booklet! I love Scandinavian mittens. Happy blogiversary!
Hi! came here from the rav pattern page for brownie mittens. I would so love to knit these because I have a little dog who looks a lot like the one in the chart! And other gorgeous mittens too, what bounty!!! Does the name "brownie mittens" have anything to do with girl scout brownies (I was one once, of course), or is it just because they are pictured in brown yarn?
In any case, happy happy 2nd blogiversary 2nd blogiversary :)
Congratulation on your 2 year aniversary!
....and of course I would love to give your vintage booklet a good home.
Melekorgu, Ravelry
Happy blogiversary to you.... (well, you know how it goes so I won't sing/type the whole thing).
Lovely mittens, and I love the Rav mitten group. Would love to have a chance to share in the give-away.
I love knitting dog patterns and colorwork.
(I am thislittlepiggy on Ravelry)
What a super book!
Happy anniversary :)
Happy Bloganniversary! What a nice way to celebrate....wishing you lots more years of blogging.
Happy Blogiversary! I have another booklet by this author. I'd love to add another to my growing scandinavian collection! where did you find your copy??
Congratulations on your anniversary! I have started knitting mittens this month, an early start to xmas 09.
I inherited a couple of pattern books from this era and the patterns are something else! I would luv to add this book to my other ones.
soccermomdriver at hotmail dot com
Hi, I found your posting in the "I make mittens" group at ravelry. Thanks for this wonderful offer!
1. I love to make mittens
2. I love vintage
3. I like patterned mittens, they're more of a challenge.
3. I'm practising twined mittens right now!
midcoastmaine on ravelry
Auntsugar here , Your web page seems to change every so often? The mittens are great! is it in Norwegian,or swedish ,or english? DOesn't really matter they usually have good charts and that's the most important part.
Hooray! Finally able to comment!
What a fun book!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! This looks like an awesome booklet!
Suecioeta on Ravelry from the I Make Mittens group
Whew I finally figured out how to get here! I would love to win that mitten booklet. :) I've been wanting to make some colourwork mittens and I see some beautiful ones in the patterns. :) samm @ravelry
What a nice giveaway! I love the Brownie Mittens. So cute for a boy!
Happy blogiversary!
The mittens look very cute.
-sugarspun from ravelry
me me me me! :oD
Awesome booklet. I love your doggy mittens.
Frey-ja on ravelry
I too saw this post on Ravelry and thought (1) it was worth a shot to post a comment - the book looks lovely (2) You're running a pretty interesting blog - off to check the 'Baby Knits' post next and (3) Who ever does wind up with the book is a very lucky winner!
Happy 2 yr anniversary! I saw this in Ravelry.The mitten book seems to be lovely.
Happy Blog-i-versary! I also found your blog from your post on Ravelry. I'm adding it to my feed reader.
This mitten book looks great. Vintage pattern books are so neat, and here in Boston, mittens are ALWAYS in style.
Oh, I figured it out!
Pick me, oh random number generator. I never ask to win things, but the mittens at the bottom are to die for.
Happy blogiversary!
(chris @
Nice blog---and happy blogiversary!
Wow what an awesome booklet. Thanks for the opportunity! Congratulations on your blogiversary!!
I'm just finishing the Let it Snow mittens from Vogue and am now officially addicted! That book would be a terrific addition to any mitten lovers library!
Found this a few days late through Ravelry (I'm "canstash" over there), but Happy Blogiversary! I collect vintage patterns from yard sales and by word of mouth from all my friends. That is one beautiful book.
Cool blog. Your photography is amazing, and I love the eclectic mix of subjects. Oh, and I'd love a chance at the mitten booklet!
Congrats on your anniversary! I'd love to take your mitt book off your hands =)
Happy Blogoversary! Thank you for a great anniversary giveaway - I love mittens and would give the book a good home.
I have been totally smitten with these mittens and now I need to make some! Thanks for hosting this give-away! You're a sweetie!
Your work is beautiful!
yarnorgy on Ravelry (Bethany)
Happy Blogiversary! (I came over from Ravelry.) Mittens or birdcage, they are both incredible prizes - good for you for having such nice things to give away.
Some great mitten patterns from the land of my ancestors.....
happy bloginnersary!!!
what a fabulous book, i jsut checked out your sister site, great. will have to add these to my blogs to visit
teri p
tpasto on ravelry
Fun blog! I'd love to win the mitten book. I'm having a love affair with stranded colorwork mittens right now.
What a super book!
Happy anniversary :)
Happy Bloganniversary!! I love mittens!! Please include me in the drawing for the booklet. kimma2 on Ravelry. Thanks
Happy blogiversary! I love pretty much everything from the 1940s, and colorwork is my personal challenge for the year...
Wow wow wow! What a great book! I could really use some more mittens...I come from Australia but have been living in Arctic Finland for a year or so. Brrr, baby it's cold here! The patterns look lovely, and congratulations on your blog-day.
Happy blogiversary! I just discovered it.
That booklet looks amazing!
Happy Blogiversary!!! The mittens look like fun projects.
Congrats on the 2 years! I saw your post on ravelry and thought I would say hi :) --misskinglet
I would love to win this book.:):)
Oh, that looks fabulous! I'm trying to decide what I'm going to make for my first pair as soon as I'm done with this pair of socks. Very nice book and you're lovely to give it away. Happy blogiversary! moiraeknittoo AT gmail dot com
I love Scandinavian mittens! What a great giveaway - Happy blogiversary!
Jonesn4yarn on Ravelry
OH, I hope it's not too late - I love mittens and my home would be a wonderful home for your book!! Happy blogiversary!!!
I LOVE mittens!!!
Happy anniversary!!
this is why I picked up knitting again, after an extended absence: beautiful colourwork!
(I can't wait for my new sets of DPNs to arrive in the mail...)
(aka btrsweet on ravelry)
Happy Anniversary. Love your blog. My friend and I do knit-alongs and these mittens would be fun to do. Keep blogging!
thanks for your nice comment!Haven't been blogging so much due to computer problems, but hope to have it fixed soon!
I would like to be entered! Thanks for doing this giveaway, I wouldn't have come across your blog otherwise and it is very inspiring! <3
I've just finished my first pair of stranded mittens and begun my second pair - those patterns are beautiful! Happy Blog-versary!
Så fint.
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