September 2, 2008

Vintage S & P

I don't really collect Salt & Pepper shakers, I only bring home the ones I have to.

Best ever. Mid-Century elegance. I bought these at a rummage sale where all shoppers were contained behind a barrier until opening time. Most participants wore trainers & a camel pack. These were passed by; the pewter was so tarnished & the walnut was so one saw how fantastic they could be. 5 inches.

We use these all the time. Made in Denmark, 5 inches.

Picnic dome shaped S & P - shake gently to avoid having the bottom fly off. 1 1/2 inches.

Pewter atomic - style S & P. Not as favorite as the pair above, but still favorite. 4 1/4 inches.

My appreciation for these is all about the shape - I'm undecided as to whether they were made of table legs. 6 1/2 inches.

From Howard Johnson's - 1 inch tall, 1/2 inch diameter.

Walnut Pears - the second stem was lost somewhere between the thrift store & home. 2 1/2 inches

Flying Saucer salt shaker. This is in rough shape, but I own this only because it's weird. 3 inches.

Spun Aluminum, wooden base with cork. 1 1/4 inches.

Early American style peppermill. Los Angeles, CA. 3 3/4 inches


Elisabet said...

Nice to see that I am not the only one with too many shakers and mills!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Flying Saucer, and I own a pair of the Table Legs. Perhaps, when our chairs visit one another our shakers should as well.
PS We went camping for the Sierra Presp. Glory and my heart was broken as I drove past, tears streaming down my face. Was it wonderful?

Anonymous said...

I was just going to leave a comment saying that MY favorite was the Flying Saucer Salt Shaker. However, it appers the above commenter beat me to it.
How annoying.
P.S. Camping in Tahoe was much fun. Missing the Sierra Pres. yard sale-not so much. Were you there the year the above commenter, being the first to arrive, got to cross over the yellow tape, giving her a sneak preview?
Good times.


Fun is always in style. said...

In a cruel twist of fate I bought the favorite pewter pair of shakers just after the person who crossed the tape waved, smiled & generally played to the crowd...(she was looking for S&P shakers/finally got that out in the open)

There was so much pathos that year. Someone claimed a very nice group of original sketches of jazz musicians just as I visually locked on to them...I couldn't really throw a fit, so I came home & saw them in my dreams for weeks.

I didn't go this year. I mentally commemorated the event.

Fun is always in style. said...

Thanks for your comment elizabet :) Yes - I've accumulated these without trying!